November 2, 2011


One of the many species of ornamental fish trade in Indonesia is tangkur fish horse or, more commonly known as sea horses. This fish, in addition traded as ornamental fish are also used as ingredients in traditional medicines are believed to have certain properties.
Hatchery technology for ornamental fish species is still very minimal, so the production is still relying on the catch at sea. Even to get a lot and fast, pushing the fishing effort is done by using a shortcut, that is by way of anesthesia. In terms of ecological, this way will certainly be very harmful and dangerous, not only to catch fish but also on the lives of other organisms and the environment.

By looking at these facts, the development of seahorse aquaculture is a potential to be developed. To support this it would require a more complete biological data. Important aspect of biology that is known to support the success of this fish is the size of the parent fish are ready dipijahkan and pemijahannya cycle.

A. Classification and morphology of the Sea Horse

1. Classification

Species of Sea horse (Hippocampus sp) is a fish of the kingdom Animalia,
Kingdom: Animalia, phylum: Chordata, class: Osteichthyes, Order: Gasterosteiformes, Family: Syngnathidae, Genus: Hippocampus, (Linnaeus, 1758).

2. Morphology

The sea horse is almost the same with other fisher family pipes, there were 35 species. Sea horse's head resembles a horse's head and body length and smaller in the tail. The average length of 16 mm seahorse-35 cm male parent incubated the eggs of sea horses. The dorsal fin is located on the lower body and pectoral fins on the head near ingsang. Having a long suction mouth like a vacuum cleaner to suck the food in the form of shrimp and krustacea. Sea horse has a strong tail wrapped around the seagrass or seaweed that is not carried away by currents. Like a chameleon, seahorses can change according to the substrate where to stick. Kamufalase this to protect themselves from predators such as crabs.

picture of sea horse

B. Maintenance of mains

Parent seahorses reared on concrete tank or tub fiber. In the vessel made a perch-shaped prism (pyramid) from bamboo. 2-3 times a day feeding adlibitum ie in the morning, afternoon and evening, in the form of shrimp and shrimp jambret rebon.

C. Spawning Sea Horse

Seahorses can spawn naturally in tanks controlled, eggs will be incubated by the results pijahan male parent. After spawning, the male parent are separated or remain together with the other parent. Long incubation about 10 days. Parent should be avoided from the POINTS cause stress resulting in juveniles dikelurakan prematurely (premature) that can not survive much longer.
Hatching Juwana
Male parent who is incubating the eggs on day-9 transferred to other tanks that had been prepared previously. On day-10 juveniles will be excluded from the male pouch. Spending juveniles generally at night. After all juveniles released, the male parent was transferred to the tub maintenance.

D. Maintenance juwana

Spreading juwana
Juveniles can be kept in the shade or in direct sunlight. Maintenance on the concrete and in the bath tub fiberglass gives fairly good results. On stocking of juveniles age 1 day (D!) is 1-5 head / liter.

Preparation and Provision of Animal Feed Feed given to juawana is natural food, usually in the form of copepods and artemia nauplii.

Copepod nauplii
Copepod nauplii can be used as the initial feed seahorse juveniles aged 1-15 days. Copepods can be cultured in sea water (25-30 ppt) plus organic fertilizer for 5-8 days. Copepod nauplii are harvested with a plankton net 60 microns.

New artemia nauplii given after juveniles aged 14 days. Artemia cysts can be hatched in fiberglass, which is at the bottom of the cone-shaped and bright, filled with clean seawater and given the strong aeration. The eggs will hatch after 19-24 hours at room temperature.

Substitute Water and Penyiponan
Replacement of water every day from day-to-third as much as 50-50% until the age of 30 days. Prior to the replacement of water can be made in advance penyiponan to clean the dirt and the rest of the dead and feed the bottom of the tub. When feces and food remains that death is not discarded will decompose and the resulting decline in water quality. Penyiponan should be done carefully, to avoid teraduknya dirt. Aeration should be stopped in advance for penyiponan


One of the many species of ornamental fish trade in Indonesia is tangkur fish horse or, more commonly known as sea horses. This fish, in addition traded as ornamental fish are also used as ingredients in traditional medicines are believed to have certain properties.
Hatchery technology for ornamental fish species is still very minimal, so the production is still relying on the catch at sea. Even to get a lot and fast, pushing the fishing effort is done by using a shortcut, that is by way of anesthesia. In terms of ecological, this way will certainly be very harmful and dangerous, not only to catch fish but also on the lives of other organisms and the environment.

By looking at these facts, the development of seahorse aquaculture is a potential to be developed. To support this it would require a more complete biological data. Important aspect of biology that is known to support the success of this fish is the size of the parent fish are ready dipijahkan and pemijahannya cycle.

A. Classification and morphology of the Sea Horse

1. Classification

Species of Sea horse (Hippocampus sp) is a fish of the kingdom Animalia,
Kingdom: Animalia, phylum: Chordata, class: Osteichthyes, Order: Gasterosteiformes, Family: Syngnathidae, Genus: Hippocampus, (Linnaeus, 1758).

2. Morphology

The sea horse is almost the same with other fisher family pipes, there were 35 species. Sea horse's head resembles a horse's head and body length and smaller in the tail. The average length of 16 mm seahorse-35 cm male parent incubated the eggs of sea horses. The dorsal fin is located on the lower body and pectoral fins on the head near ingsang. Having a long suction mouth like a vacuum cleaner to suck the food in the form of shrimp and krustacea. Sea horse has a strong tail wrapped around the seagrass or seaweed that is not carried away by currents. Like a chameleon, seahorses can change according to the substrate where to stick. Kamufalase this to protect themselves from predators such as crabs.

picture of sea horse

B. Maintenance of mains

Parent seahorses reared on concrete tank or tub fiber. In the vessel made a perch-shaped prism (pyramid) from bamboo. 2-3 times a day feeding adlibitum ie in the morning, afternoon and evening, in the form of shrimp and shrimp jambret rebon.

C. Spawning Sea Horse

Seahorses can spawn naturally in tanks controlled, eggs will be incubated by the results pijahan male parent. After spawning, the male parent are separated or remain together with the other parent. Long incubation about 10 days. Parent should be avoided from the POINTS cause stress resulting in juveniles dikelurakan prematurely (premature) that can not survive much longer.
Hatching Juwana
Male parent who is incubating the eggs on day-9 transferred to other tanks that had been prepared previously. On day-10 juveniles will be excluded from the male pouch. Spending juveniles generally at night. After all juveniles released, the male parent was transferred to the tub maintenance.

D. Maintenance juwana

Spreading juwana
Juveniles can be kept in the shade or in direct sunlight. Maintenance on the concrete and in the bath tub fiberglass gives fairly good results. On stocking of juveniles age 1 day (D!) is 1-5 head / liter.

Preparation and Provision of Animal Feed Feed given to juawana is natural food, usually in the form of copepods and artemia nauplii.

Copepod nauplii
Copepod nauplii can be used as the initial feed seahorse juveniles aged 1-15 days. Copepods can be cultured in sea water (25-30 ppt) plus organic fertilizer for 5-8 days. Copepod nauplii are harvested with a plankton net 60 microns.

New artemia nauplii given after juveniles aged 14 days. Artemia cysts can be hatched in fiberglass, which is at the bottom of the cone-shaped and bright, filled with clean seawater and given the strong aeration. The eggs will hatch after 19-24 hours at room temperature.

Substitute Water and Penyiponan
Replacement of water every day from day-to-third as much as 50-50% until the age of 30 days. Prior to the replacement of water can be made in advance penyiponan to clean the dirt and the rest of the dead and feed the bottom of the tub. When feces and food remains that death is not discarded will decompose and the resulting decline in water quality. Penyiponan should be done carefully, to avoid teraduknya dirt. Aeration should be stopped in advance for penyiponan

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